The Archive - How to Digitize And Archive Your Old Printed Photographs

New Passion Project Announced

A lot has changed in our lives over the course of the past month. We’ve all been dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in our own ways. As a commercial photographer and small business owner, I've also been impacted by this sudden disruption in our lives.

That being said, I’ve made it my mission to maintain a positive mindset and put all of my creative energy into new projects. Projects that I’ve been wanting to work on, but haven’t quite had the time until now. I’m excited to finally announce my latest passion project: THE ARCHIVE - How to Digitize and Archive Your Old Printed Photographs. This tutorial is exclusively available on my tutorial site DATR | EDU. I’ve been working really hard over the past few weeks to write, film, edit and self produce a brand new tutorial that I think can really help a lot of people.

Looking For The Best Way To Preserve Old Photos?

I wanted to create a tutorial that allows not only photographers, but everyday people, the ability and the knowledge to digitize and preserve their old printed photographs. There are services that will do this for you, but I've heard horror stories where these types of companies have destroyed old tapes and lost irreplaceable photos.

In fact, the inspiration for this tutorial was derived from an investigative report that I saw on Inside Edition. Investigative journalist Lisa Guerrero reported on a company that mishandled families' previous momentos. You can view the full report here:

This report really struck a chord with me and I wanted to do something about it. My goal was to create a tutorial that empowers people to digitally preserve their old printed photographs and give them the knowledge to do it themselves using easily accessible tools. Chances are, you probably already own one of these three items; a scanner, a smartphone or a DSLR/mirrorless camera. That means that even if you only have a smartphone, you can start digitizing your old printed photographs today!

A Case For Digitizing Your Old Printed Photos

If you were to have a house fire, could you honestly say without a doubt, that your photos are safe? I’m not talking about the photos on your phone (which are more than likely backed up to a cloud service already). I’m talking about those old printed photo albums that you keep hidden away in your preferred storage location; like a closet or a basement. Even if you have a firesafe box, do you really want to leave it to chance that it will actually keep your photos intact? If your answer is “No,” then you might want to seriously consider digitizing your old printed photographs. Not only should you be digitizing them, you should also have multiple copies and offsite backups as well.

The techniques taught in this tutorial Apply To:

  • Single printed photos - like those old polaroids

  • Entire photo albums - digitize entire collections of photographs

  • Newspaper Clippings & Obituaries (could be historic in nature, or have symbolic meaning)

  • Birthday Cards - with special handwritten messages

  • Yearbooks - Remember all those handwritten notes in the front and back of old year books?

  • Your kids' artwork

  • Anything that’s printed that has a personal or meaningful connection to you or your family

Be sure to check out THE ARCHIVE - How to Digitize and Archive Your Old Printed Photographs and start learning the skills you need today to protect your photos tomorrow!

Brian Rodgers Jr.

Brian Rodgers Jr. is a commercial advertising photographer based in South Bend Indiana. Brian has a wealth of commercial photography experience photographing everything from commercial portraits, RVs, large commercial vehicles, product and food photography, to multi-million dollar mansions. Furthermore, he has created brand images for national companies and his work has been published in various national and international publications including Photoshop User Magazine, Dentaltown Magazine, Incisal Edge Magazine, and the popular web based show "Photography Tips & Tricks" produced by Kelby Media Group to name a few. Brian’s overall body of work demonstrates a real cultivation of skills behind the lens as well as a wide array of cutting edge post production techniques. He provides his clients with exceptional images and ensures customer satisfaction through his relentless work ethic. Brian is not just a photographer, he is an artist. Retouching his own work allows him to deliver a product that reflects his vision as an artist. And his clients are never disappointed in his abilities to produce consistent, compelling images. Fun Fact: He shot his own portrait